Percy Faith – Music of Christmas

Percy Faith – Music of Christmas

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A classic that was heard in stores over the holidays from the 1950’s on, Faith’s arrangements of holiday songs is the very definition of Christmas Music. Originally recorded in 1954, it was later re-recorded in stereo in 1959 and this is the version that most people now know, [with the poinsettia cover] although there is not too much difference in the versions. A few years later Faith released ‘Hallelujah’ which was later renamed ‘Music of Christmas Volume 2’. It is right up there with the first volume. In 1966 ‘Christmas Is…’ was released, and other than the title song, there is more of a pop sound to the recording, very good but not in the same league as the original..

Music of Christmas [1959]

Complete Music of Christmas [1954 MONO version / Hallelujah]

Christmas Is…

Faith59Faith 2

faith-chr2.jpgFaith 3

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