Bargain Bach Harpsichord Music
Looking for a collection of Bach? Here is a set of the Brandenburgs along with the Harpichord Concertos 1-6 plus the Harpsichord Concertos for Two and more keyboards. The performances seem to be from the old Vox catalog possibly, or may be newer, but either way decent recordings. The price has varied on this but currently under $10. That is quite a bargain, and not a bad way to expand your Bach collection too.
Here is a massive harpsichord collection of solo works plus the above concertos in a 200 track compilation:
- Well-Tempered Clavier
- French Suites
- English Suites
- Partitas
- Goldberg Variations
Some solo harpsichord playing and sound grinds at me after a while, but Jacottet plays a good-sounding instrument, not too bright and with a nice recording ambiance.